At Last The Last Brave Man Arrives!
He is so brave, he is so wise!

At last the last brave man arrives!
Fuck it, I’ll say it: I prefer Biden to Bernie.March 5, 2020
He is so brave, he is so wise!
Progressive politics take a back seat to winning; moreover Biden will be progressive on environment, guns, taxation, reproductive freedom, etc. He’s not my top choice (I wanted Warren) but I think he can win and I don’t have confidence Bernie can. 5, 2020
Where none dare speak, he gamely goes—
No, my purpose was to draw fire for people who feel like I do but are afraid to speak up because they know they’re going to be relentlessly attacked on Twitter for simply saying they prefer one Dem over another. 5, 2020
What none admit, he sagely knows—
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How does a man grow so courageous,
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To take it on himself to save us?
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What gives a man such empathy,

To see what no one else can see?

Some things we simply cannot know—

We mustn’t let that stop us, though—

From speaking truth where truth is spurned—
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And reaping what our courage earns—

God bless you, brave man! Never change.
When did “preferring” one candidate over another become such a big problem for people? I’ve said I prefer Warren over everybody but didn’t receive this much shitMarch 5, 2020
Your wisdom keeps us sound and sane.
They’re both at the bottom of my list of preferred Dems but I don’t think the Ukraine thing will hurt Biden as much as “socialism” will hurt BernieMarch 5, 2020
Your honesty and virtue too—
So the black vote propelling Biden is “drowning in privilege”? 5, 2020
To thine own self, please—keep being true.

Header image via Comedy Central.